Virgil and an old suitcase go on a quest following the footsteps of the survivors of the Armenian Genocide. In a moment of great turmoil for the Armenian, after the war in 2020 and the loss of Artsakh, memories and anecdotes of our Diaspora assemble a puzzle and a reminder of the Armenian heritage throughout Romania and across the world.


Virgil Ianțu, Ioan Aurel Pop, Varujan Vosganian, Haig Azarian, Mihai Cazazian, Arsen Arzumanyan, Varujan Pambuccian, Narine Bogdan-Căus, Silvia Terzian, Hrant Jaghinyan, Tigran Radu, Armine Vosganian, Bela Martikian, Henrik Tumasyants, Inesa Tumasyant, Merine Perikhanyan, Miko Baghdasarian
  • Production: Union of Armenians in Romania
  • Year: 2024
  • Genre: Documentary